Thursday, February 14, 2013

Colorado Foreclosure Filings Drop to 2006 Levels

Colorado Foreclosure Filings Drop to 2006 Levels


The Denver Post reported today that the number of foreclosure filings in 2012 dropped to 2006 levels.  Foreclosure filings peaked in Colorado in 2009 to 46,394.  In 2012, there were only 28,579 filings. 

This considerable drop is accredited to many factors.  Number one is that more Coloradans are working than in 2006.  Secondly, many homeowners were able to take advantage of loan modifications with their lenders.  And finally, the real estate market in Colorado is very strong which has caused a steady increase in prices across the state. 

There has been an influx of people moving to Colorado and yet the building permits have declined.  This directly affects supply and demand in our great state. 

According to MLS, there are only 6,581 single family homes today between $200,000 and $500,000 on the market.  That number is causing a frenzy for buyers where they find themselves in bidding wars many times to acquire their dream home. 

What this tells me as a Colorado Realtor is that this is the perfect time for sellers to list their homes for sale.  This is the perfect opportunity to get a fair price and find a replacement home while interest rates are still low.